Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Speeding Freight Train...

Lately, I feel as if my life is a speeding freight train, everything is in one big whirwind of a ride and sometimes I feel like I am being left behind. My weeks are all blurring together and although I have a set schedule, some days I can't remember if I work or not. I am almost to the point where I assume I work everyday and just put on my work clothes straight out of the shower. You can only imagine the dissapointment when I realize that I just got up and dressed for work at 7:30 A.M. on my day off and realize I could have slept in. Ugh.
School is slipping through my fingers, my assignmnets are beginning to pile up because I don't finish them on time and I don't finish them on time because I have a silly work schedule, I don't feel like I get enough sleep and because somewhere in all of that I am trying to fit in a social life. This is not good. School is important, I need my education and more than that, I SURE as hell can't afford to pay for and re-take any failed classes.
To mix this jumble of a mess even more, my mom and I decided to go ahead and add an insurance policy onto her already existing one in order to allow me to get my lump looked at sooner. It seems to have been alot of work lately, between calling and faxing and signing releases of information so that the insurance complany is up to speed on my medical history, I have found myself exhausted. But the good news is, this policy should kick in on the 15th (three days from now) and I have an appointment on the 27th. So, sooner than later I should be finding out whether or not I have breast cancer.
Other than all of that, things are well butI strangely enough find myself missing Kris. Yes, we're married and we live together and all, but it seems that the only time I see him is when I crawl into bed next to his already sleeping body at night. It's damn hard to get an evening off together let alone an entire day so sometimes I feel that I'm only seeing him in passing. I miss my boo. Hopefully we will soon have a day off together so I can get a healthy dose of the man I love.
Haging on with all my might,
Alyssa J.